What a crazy 6 months for Really Wild Learning with so many bookings, sold out summer shows, successful breeding projects and lots of exciting new animal arrivals for everybody to meet! I can’t thank all our supporters enough for booking us, your kind words / reviews, messages and for coming out and getting involved wherever we show up with the animals.
Our focus for the next few months will be to continue to offer the very best animal encounters in Devon but also to demonstrate our educational conservation credentials by more involvement with initiatives that help wildlife in the UK and around the world. Environmental issues and sustainability will definitely be an area for us to focus on and we are currently reviewing our impact on the planet in every aspect of the day to day running of RWL.
I often tell people that our animals are ambassadors for wildlife around the world and are captive bred representatives who have the power to reconnect people with the natural world so future generations actually care about the environment and the future of habitats worldwide. Our animals really do come first so whilst continuing to provide our animals with the best of everything we have also been pioneering some new husbandry techniques including the increased use of bioactive enclosures with great success. It is hoped that we can expand on this and share our techniques with others.
In these natural setups we have had great success breeding species such as the critically endangered Electric Blue Day Gecko’s (Lygodactylus williamsi) a small diurnal gecko that is now Appendix 1 (CITES) and is thought to exist in the wild on only a few trees in Tanzania’s Kimboza forest. We have also had great success with several species of Dart Frog and have been lucky enough to breed Azureus Dart Frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius azureus) in large numbers boosting captive stock.
I think it is fair to say that when you see a Really Wild Learning animal encounter show, birthday party or experience an educational school visit it is only a small part of what we do. I hope to share much more of the behind the scenes stuff with you all soon and to take everybody on my wild animal adventures, are you ready for the journey?